123 Four Street
Beautiful, British Columbia,
V12 345
May 16, 2011
Mr. Kleats
Tee-ball Coach
324 HorribleCoaching Avenue,
Beautiful, British Columbia
V12 E45
Dear Mr. Kleats
I am the parent of Talented Timmy, who is on your Tiny Tots tee-ball team and I am very happy with the time you have spent coaching. However I have a few concerns of which I feel are important enough to be addressed.
On the saturday game, I couldn't help but notice that, during the game against the "Tough Toddlers", you yelled at a player as well as lectured the team on "the importance of winning". Though everyone has different coaching technics, I feel that a different strategy may be needed in order to communicate with your young audience. I also feel and winning is important, nonetheless I would enjoy to see more emphasis on having fun.
In the past few weeks, I have also recognized, you have arrived after the scheduled practice time and that often the practices themselves, are very disorganized. I understand that you are volunteering, and may be very busy. I can relate for I often have trouble getting Timmy there on time because of his sisters dance a half hour prior. All the same it would be greatly appreciated if you could arrive promptly, and create a more officiant practice schedule. This would insure our children's improvement and be a better use of everyone's time. As well I would be willing to offer my services if you ever need any assistance.
Also, My son has informed me that you have become very fond of his skills and that he has been getting a lot of playing time. I am extremely grateful for this and my son enjoys the compliments, however, it would be nice to see Little Jimmy get some playing time, for we don't know how much longer he has left.
I am very greatful that you have taken the time to read this message and I hope that you will concur with my concerns. Again, let me know if there is anything of which i can assist you with.
Legendary Louis